Recent Projects


FACING History and OURselves

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Facing History’s resources address racism, antisemitism, and prejudice at pivotal moments in history; they help students connect choices made in the past to those they will confront in their own lives. Through their partnership with educators around the world, Facing History and Ourselves reaches millions of students in thousands of classrooms every year.

With the 2020 election coming up soon, we worked with Facing History to inform their social media campaign to engage their primary audience (high school classroom teachers) and bring attention to the organization. We provided them with a comprehensive overview of the youth voting bloc, current Get Out The Vote (GOTV) initiatives, and potential partnerships that they would be able to pursue. Through our work they will be able to roll out a strategic youth voter campaign.



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AIMS India is a nonprofit dedicated to creating a socioeconomic transformation in rural India through public education, infrastructure, and women’s empowerment projects. 30-40% of their funding comes from a marathon for charity training program, through which they train donors to run the Marine Corps Marathon or Baltimore Half Marathon and receive donations from these runners.

Due to COVID-19, such reliable funding sources have become nonexistent. AIMS India is now depleting their organization’s resources to sustain their existing projects. We worked with them to create a consistent, more robust donor base through comprehensive research, donor analysis, promotional materials, and grant templates.



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